Fasting Practice starts 11Aug.2021

Fasting Preparation Phase

Nanato will conduct the Three Day Fasting.
The most important are the fast preparation period as well as the recovery phase.
Alcohol, caffeine, carbohydrates, non-vegetable protein will be cut off little by little.
The preparation phase starts 7 days before the fast.
◆ Menu summary for the preparation phase
7 days prior … Drinks are water and non-caffeine herbal tea only
5 days prior … Last Day of Carbohydrates food, fried foods
2 days prior … Last Day of non-vegetable proteins
1 day prior … Beans, Sesame, Vegetables, Mushrooms Only
The preparation phase will be for 7days, from today thus Fasting will be 11th-13th Aug.

The New Moon should be good timing for fasting. I have heard of that somewhere.. Is there scientific credibility there?

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